Winegrowers advance the harvest due to high temperatures and drought and warn of the danger in the next harvest
Farmers in the Madrid wine sector have advanced the harvest at the end of August and early September due to
Farmers in the Madrid wine sector have advanced the harvest at the end of August and early September due to
Most of these declarations come from farms located in the towns of Ateca and Moros. Claims for damages caused
The abundant rainfall in March has cushioned the impact of high temperatures on production, and production is expected to equal
The high temperatures also advance the ripening, so it is expected that the harvest is generalized between thirty and forty
The Director General of Agricultural Productions and Markets, Esperanza Orellana, presided today, by videoconference, the meeting of the Sectoral Table
Montilla-Moriles, a millennial framework, starts the harvest of its earliest varieties in a very pessimistic scenario in which drought, heat