Wine production fell 7.4% in Chile this 2022
The total production of bulk wines had a decrease of 7.4% in 2022, according to the results of the Final Wine Production Report 2022 presented by the Agricultural and Livestock Service SAG, which is prepared with the background provided by the producers/s through the sworn declarations of production that they make electronically on the portal of the Service, and that was available to users/s until July 15 of this year.
Thus, it was established that the total production of wines in 2022 reached 1,244,369,981 liters, 7.4% lower than the previous year. Of these, 1.035.486.208 liters correspond to wines with denomination of origin, decreasing by 5% compared to 2021; 190.585.931 liters to wines without denomination of origin -which also includes declared current wine wines that do not specify variety and that increased by 1.6% over the previous year; and 18,297,842 liters to wines from table grapes, with a decrease of 72.6% over the figure of 2021. On the other hand, the production of wine for pisco reached 41.353.924 liters this 2022.
The largest wine production in the country continues to be located in the regions of Maule, O’Higgins and Metropolitana respectively, making up 92.2% of the national total.
Regarding wines with designation of origin, 69% corresponded to wines from red vines and 31% to wines from white vines. When analyzing the production in relation to the types of strains, Cabernet sauvignon reaches 32.9% of the total, followed by Sauvignon blanc with 13.6%, Merlot with 11.9%, Chardonnay with 10%, Carmenére with 8.5%, and the variety Syrah with 5.9%.