They regret that the strategic wine plan for 2022-2027 does not reflect the reality of the sector
Union of Farmers and Ranchers Unions considers that the interprofessional wine (OIVE) has not counted on the whole sector for the elaboration of the strategic plan designing an ambitious recipe book that does not fully reflect the reality of the sector.
Union of Unions regrets that the numerous strategic plans and white papers that the sector has been generating in recent decades have not ceased to be an ambitious catalogue unfulfilled in a scenario in which the sector supports at least two campaigns with prices of grapes and wine in ruinous origin.
The OIVE recently presented at the Ministry’s headquarters its Strategic Plan for the coming years following the usual diagnostic scheme of the macromagnitudes of the sector, future vision, mission of the Plan, ambition and objectives to be achieved and identification of main axes, cross-cutting and complementary. This is based on 22 initiatives and 101 associated actions.
Union of Unions shares the importance of strengthening positioning and image, increasing value internationally and boosting domestic consumption. Also appreciates the explicit mention of achieving the balance between supply and demand, the equitable sharing of value and profitability along the chain and improving the competitiveness of the sector, establishing the sustained growth of prices charged by wine growers in line with the revaluation of the marketing of wine and must.
Sustainability, valorization of the product, enotourism complete the precise roadmap to valorize the sector, to vertebralo establishing ambitious figures in area (settle 950.000 ha. as an indicative figure with 26% of organic vineyard), production, domestic consumption (with an annual increase of 3%) and foreign trade (increasing by 40%, an additional €1,200 million, the value share of our exports).
However, Union of Unions points out that neither the interprofessional articulation is operational, nor reflects the variety of actors involved in the operation of the sector, nor is it capable of assuming the necessary openness to other actors interested in anything other than a brilliant exercise in econometrics.
In the same vein, the organization wants to highlight the shortcomings of the sector and the need for the Plan to implement in practice its conclusions and recommendations, both in terms of productive potential, as to a better allocation of the resources it collects via standard extension.
Union of Unions also considers that the wine sector is a diverse sector and does not serve a macrostructure outside such diversity but a articulation of interests that must be based on real representativeness and not only virtual and, In this sense, it has legal and technical actions to clarify the representativeness of the producer sector in the interprofessional.