Theft of grapes at night in Spain
The facts occur during the night in several wine regions. It is added the scarce amount of grapes by extreme heat and drought.
Before it was two weeks since Valdeorras began a harvest marked by a shortage of grape harvesters, a neighbor of Soulecín (O Barco de Valdeorras), Juan Fernández, found his vineyard partially harvested. Days after the great fire in July approached the village he noticed that several people had brought him sherry grapes and some mencia ink. Curiously, they did not collect the bunches of a couple of strains of godello, a variety that is being paid at high prices, which reach 2.20 euros per kilo. Besides, he didn’t get the grenache inks either.
This barquense, who prefers not to report the theft, commented that the missing fruit can reach 15 baskets, with a weight approaching half a ton, and showed his strangeness before this fact. “They took the big bunches to sell or to eat. It is fose for viño levaría or godello,” he said. Consider that the vineyard was visited at night by a minimum of two people. The stolen grapes are added to those that served as food for the fauna, which resorted to the vines when the forest burned. In any case, the harvesters-thieves left the clusters in which they ate boars, badgers, roe deer or birds.