Spain closed 2021/22 with a total wine export of 28.8 Mhl (-3.6%)
Spain exported during the recent season 2021/22 (or what is the same, during the year-on-year from August 2021 to July 2022) a total of 2,880.8 million litres of wine products (almost 28.81 Mhl), with a decrease in volumes shipped outside borders of 3.6%.
However, the higher unit prices recorded, especially in the last months of the campaign, have led to external wine turnover in this period reaching 3,377.2 million euros (+6%), leaving the average price of the Spanish product at 1,17 euros per liter, despite the 9.9% increase recorded, according to the complete report of the OEMV.
Considering only the wine (discounting, therefore, aromatized, musts and vinegars), the figures are somewhat worse in all quantities. Thus, wine sales generated refunds 5% higher than those of the 2020/21 campaign, up to 2,942.9 M€, with sales falling almost inversely (-4.1%) in litres, to 2,140.6 Mltr. The average price of Spanish wine in international places was 1.37 euros per liter at the end of the marketing year 21/22 (with a revaluation of 9.5%), with the logical differences according to qualities and presentations.
As an example, the price structure of Spanish wine for export was led by the wine with D.O.P. packaging, which was revalued by 12.9% and stood at 4.42 euros per liter (against an average of 2.62 €/l of packaged still wines); liqueur wine closed 21/22 to 3,95 €/l on average (+15.8%, the sparkling did it at 2.85 € per liter (+8.6%) and the bag in box quoted at 1.29 euros per liter (+4.7%).
Outstanding are the average prices of Spanish wine exported in bulk, which despite being the category with the greatest increase in its valuations (+13.4% on average), remains at 0.43 euros per liter. Price that is still reduced more (0.41 euros per liter) in the case of wine without D.O.P./I.G.P. exported in tanks and that represents 38% of the total wine exported by our country.
By categories, as shown in the table accompanying this information, increases in value are widespread, highlighting the rate of refunds marked by must (+16.1%), sparkling (+12.8%) and bulk (+9.6%), by its weight on the whole. But needle wines (+36.6%) also perform well.
Only sparkling wines and vinegars manage to close the 2021/22 campaign with the green sporting in their figures both of euros, as liters and average price.
Accumulated annually as of July
As regards the annual cumulative figure for the first seven months of 2022, global inflationary pressures and the devaluation of the euro against the US dollar have had a marked impact on the average prices recorded. Thus the Spanish wine product has revalued an average of 18.5% to 1.23 euros per liter. Guarismo that remains at 1.41 €/liter if we speak only of wine (+17.5%) and at 0.46 euros per liter on average for the bulk (despite a marked increase of 29.2%). The wine with D.O.P. packaged reaches 4.63 euros per liter in international markets (+17.5%).
In this period, operators in the wine sector exported 1,591.9 million litres, with a significant fall of 11.6%, but thanks to these reinforced average prices, the bill in value managed to grow by 4.7% to 1,954.7 million euros.
By markets, in the case of packaged wine, the OEMV highlights the bad progress in markets such as the United Kingdom, Germany, China or the USA. and Canada, in volume. Which contrasts with a very good dynamic in these first seven months in markets such as Mexico or Switzerland.
In the case of bulk wine, it is Italy, Portugal, Germany and France that fell the most in volume, stopping buying between the four destinations up to 74.1 million liters in these first seven months of 2022. France and Germany also increased their bulk spending in Spain the most (+18.3 million €, France and +9.2 million €, Germany). Portugal increased it by €1.8 million, and Italy was the only one to reduce it (-€3.6 million).