OIVE recommends using the approved contracts for the sale of grapes and wine in the current season 2022/23
The Interprofessional Organization of Wine of Spain (OIVE) has again recommended producers and wineries to use the approved contracts of sale of both grapes for winemaking, and wine, when carrying out their commercial relationship.
This interprofessional notes that last July, the Ministry of Agriculture published two ministerial orders (see links below), which include the new contract modelstype approved in accordance with the latest amendments to the Food Chain Act.
One month after the start of the harvest (in which an average low production of just 36.5 Mhl of wine and must is expected, according to Cooperatives), many operators have already shown interest in these model contracts-type, so the OIVE expects its use to be quite wide.
According to this inter-branch organisation, moreover, contracts can be multi-annual and adaptable for all types of products and characteristics by operators.
In this regard, Angel Villafranca, president of the OIVE, points out that “it is important for the sector to use them, since they favor transparency in operations and, therefore, improve the functioning and stability of the wine value chain”.
It is also recalled that the contracts, once signed, must be registered for which the OIVE has entrusted another year to Tragsatec, a subsidiary of the public group TRAGSA.
This registration seeks to ensure the privacy and independence of the data of transactions that, at all times, will be subject to the Law of Data Protection.
In addition, the registered contracts, in the event of a dispute between the parties, have a Contracts Monitoring Commission, empowered within OIVE, for the control, supervision and monitoring of compliance and the proposal of solutions in case of discrepancies.
This organization points out that standard contracts are very common in other agro-food sectors of our country. For example, they are currently in force in citrus fruit or in fodder.
Although they are voluntary, the OIVE recommends their use within the wine sector, since in addition to the direct advantages they offer to those who use them, there is another indirect of a global nature, such as obtaining information of great value with the aggregated data of the whole operations, whose knowledge results in a joint benefit for the whole sector.