Malaga starts today the harvest with the varieties of Muscat grapes
The abundant rainfall in March has cushioned the impact of high temperatures on production, and production is expected to equal or even slightly higher than last year, which will reach about 2.8 million kilograms.
The harvest in Malaga has begun this Friday, July 29, in the Axarquia and in the North area with the Muscat of Alexandria and Muscat Morisco respectively, which are usually the varieties of earliest collection, as explained by the Regulatory Council
The environmental and phytosanitary conditions suffered by the vineyard since September 2021 until today, have marked the beginning of the harvest and much of the expectations of quality and production of this season, they specify
Production is maintained
The vegetative development of the crop began “with a delay of between one and two weeks, but was compensated by the high temperatures suffered since the end of April (between two and three degrees higher than historical records). In terms of rainfall, an historic deficit of 26% accumulates, but the abundant rainfall in March has cushioned the impact of high average temperatures on production.”
Very good quality
The phytosanitary quality of the grapes is generally described as “very good, although it is true, that the high temperatures and the moment in which they have occurred, have caused a certain degree of passification in clusters, which can influence especially the final production. In this sense, and despite the climatic factors mentioned, it is expected a production equal to or even a little higher than last year, being estimated at about 2.8 million kilograms”