Law of the vineyard and wine comes this Thursday to the Cortes
The Socialist Bill to speed up the processing of renewable energy projects will also be debated.
The plenary of the Cortes of Castilla-La Mancha debate and vote on Thursday on the draft «Law of the vineyard and wine» and the proposed law of the PSOE to expedite the processing of renewable energy projects, in a session that will begin at 10.00 hours, and incorporating seven items on the agenda.
The first item of this last regular session of the seventh session is the debate on the draft «Law on the vineyard and wine of Castilla-La Mancha», promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development.
The second point is another legislative initiative, put forward by the socialist group, on the «Law on measures to speed up renewable energy projects in Castilla-La Mancha».
The agenda also includes, at the initiative of the regional government, the approval by the autonomous parliament to the signing of the agreement by the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, and his counterpart in the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz-Ayuso, recently renewed to collaborate in transport.
Opposition groups have introduced four other items on the agenda on the social and economic reality of the region, at the request of Ciudadanos (Cs), on the public health system and on tax incentives and employment contracts in areas of low population density, proposed by the PP.
The plenary concludes with four oral questions put by the opposition, three by the PP on rabbit populations, the CM-2120 road in the province of Gudalajara and the provision of home help services, and one of Cs relating to the vegetation of the San Antón de Toledo Park.