Hail damages this summer 15,000 hectares of vineyards in the Valencian Community with 10 million in compensation
This summer’s hail storms have caused damage to at least 15,000 hectares of vineyards in the Valencian Community, especially in the region of Utiel-Requena. This figure is the highest of the last two decades and means that 65% of the insured area has suffered losses during the current wine year.
The most severe storms occurred on 25 and 26 August, affecting the vineyard in a highly developed state and close to harvest. The area affected will approach the 10,000 hectares distributed in two areas: the first includes the municipalities of Sinarcas, Utiel, Camporrobles, Fuenterrobles and Venta del Moro, and the second includes different areas of the municipality of Requena (from Campo Arcis to Los Pedrones and Casas de Sotos).
Part of the production affected by these storms had already suffered previous disaster on 5 and 6 July because of another incident of pedrisco that left 5,000 hectares damaged throughout the region, especially among the municipalities of Sinarcas, Camporrobles, Caudete de las Fuentes and Requena. Of that total, 1,270 hectares showed damage greater than 85%, so Agroseguro has expedited the appraisal processes without waiting at the end of guarantees and the harvest period, and has advanced last week the payment of 570,000 €, in order to enable the farmers concerned to continue carrying out the work which they consider most appropriate for their holding for the next marketing year
Currently, 39 experts assess the damage in the affected areas, as well as plots of other crops such as fruit, vegetables or nuts. Due to the proximity of the harvest, in most cases the experts will be final, without the need to make a second visit, and will give way directly to the payment of compensation, the total estimate of which will be over 10 million euros.