Chile: ports of the Biobío region mobilized 2.1 million tons in July and mark a decrease of 17.7% year-on-year
Meanwhile, 89,218 TEUs were handled, exhibiting an increase of 7.1% in twelve months.
Through the ports of the Biobío region (which includes the terminals of SVTI, TTP, Cabo Froward, Lirquén, Coronel, among others) 2,178,242 tons of cargo were mobilized in July 2022, registering a decrease of 17.7% in twelve months. This result was the result of the lower movement of cargo services Disembarked from abroad, Re-estibas and transshipment and Cabotage, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics of Chile (INE).
In both services, Embarcada abroad and Transit recorded an increase compared to July 2021. The greatest negative incidence was observed in the service Disembarked from abroad when mobilized 728.077 tons in July 2022, exhibiting a contraction of 38.0% in twelve months, mainly affected by decreases in gaseous liquid bulk (-69.0%), solid bulk (-24.6%), containers (-17.5%) and loose or general (-2.0%), compared to July 2021.
Re-estibas and transhipment recorded 40,022 tons in the month of analysis, recording a decrease of 56.3%, compared to the same month of the previous year, as a result of the lower transhipment activity (-97.0%) and re-estibas (-21.6%).
For its part, Cabotage mobilized 384,413 tons in July 2022, scoring a decline of 4.1%, compared to the same month of the previous year, explained by the lower cargo (-69.3%). Shipped abroad rose 4.6% in twelve months, mobilizing 1,003,228 tons in July 2022, mainly affected by the largest solid bulk cargo (144.2%) and containers (12.0%). The Transit service experienced a year-on-year increase of 15.5%, totaling 22,502 tons in the reference month, affected by the largest cargo shipped (84.5%) and landed (8.4%).
According to the type of service, the cargo shipped abroad had the highest participation with 46.1%, followed by Disembarkation from abroad (33.4%) and Cabotage (17.6%). Likewise, Re-estibas and trans-shipment and transit, together with 2.9% of the total cargo mobilized by the ports of the Biobío region.
Containers handled in the region totaled 89,218 TEUs, exhibiting an increase of 7.1% in twelve months, explained by the increased movement of 40-foot containers. The 40-foot containers accounted for 88.0% of the total containers mobilized in the region, equivalent to 41,751 units, registering an increase of 9.1%. For their part, the 20 feet reached 5,716 units, recorded a 15.7% decline in twelve months and contributed 12.0% of the total containers.
Cumulative Analysis
Between January and July 2022, 16,628,329 tons of cargo were mobilized through the ports of the region, experiencing a contraction of 6.6% in relation to the same period of the previous year, affected by the services of Disembarkation from abroad (-12.1%), Embarked abroad (-3.7%), Transit (-29.8%) and Re-estibas and transhipment (- 10.4%).